COVID-19 Articles
Open Access

Table 9

Complete genome sequences coming from For each sequence Y are informed, its Version, sample size n, Organism and Reference.

Y Version n Organism Reference
AY304488 AY304488.1 29 731 Civet SARS CoV SZ16/2003 [14]
AY395003 AY395003.1 29 647 SARS Coronavirus ZS-C/2003
DQ412043 DQ412043.1 29 749 Bat SARS CoV Rm1/2004 [13]
FJ882957 FJ882957.1 29 720 SARS Coronavirus MA15 [15]
KY417144 KY417144.1 29 770 Bat SARS-like Coronavirus [11]
MG772933 MG772933.1 29 802 Bat SARS-like Coronavirus [12]
MG772934 MG772934.1 29 732 Bat SARS-like Coronavirus [12]
NC_001846 NC_001846.1 31 357 Murine hepatitis virus [16]
NC_004718 NC_004718.3 29 751 SARS-related Coronavirus [17]
NC_019843 NC_019843.3 30 119 Middle East respiratory syndrome-related Coronavirus [18]
NC_038294 NC_038294.1 30 111 Betacoronavirus England 1

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