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Evaluating facial dermis aging in healthy Caucasian females with LC-OCT and deep learning
Ali Assi, Sébastien Fischman, Colombe Lopez, Mélanie Pedrazzani, Guénolé Grignon, Raoul Missodey, Rodolphe Korichi, Jean-Hubert Cauchard, Samuel Ralambondrainy and Franck Bonnier Scientific Reports 14(1) (2024)
Consensus Agreements on Regenerative Aesthetics: A Focus on Regenerative Biostimulation With Calcium Hydroxylapatite
Kate Goldie, Greg Chernoff, Niamh Corduff, Owen Davies, Jani van Loghem and Bianca Viscomi Dermatologic Surgery 50(11S) S172 (2024)
Considering the effect of residual tension forces on the wavelength anisometry of skin imaging by 2D skin tension integrity model