Five reasons to submit to 4open

4open is a multi- and inter-disciplinary Open Access journal committed to excellence and integrity in academic scholarship. The journal was borne out of a shared desire among the editorial team to advance the four pillars of open science, to publish high quality scientific research, and bring it to the attention of a global audience.

You can read about the development of the journal from the Editors in Chief: Björn Brücher, Elias Brinks, and Theodore Simos - in our interview series.

Here are five reasons why you should submit your original research to 4open:

  1. 4open is committed to the highest standards of publishing integrity and academic honesty

    4open's editorial policies and ethical standards are completely transparent, and prospective authors are encouraged to read these in full before submitting. In this disruptive digital age of publishing, we understand that anything less than an exceptional level of due diligence is unacceptable; all parties involved in the development of the journal - editors, authors, and reviewers - adhere to the strictest ethical standards. 4open looks to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the Council of Science Editors (CSE) at all stages of the publication process, and also follows the guidelines and best practices outlined by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), particularly in ensuring a rigorous peer-review process. Read more information about the 4open ethical standards on the Authors Information page.

  2. 4open research is Open Access and freely accessible to a global audience

    By submitting to 4open, authors will gain the widest possible visibility for their research through Open Access publication; ours teams at EDP Sciences ensure that articles are shared with the target audience through a variety of online channels.

  3. 4open is published in partnership with learned societies

    4open is building on a legacy that began in 1920, when EDP Sciences was founded by a group of learned societies, celebrated scientists, and industrialists, and even Nobel prize winners including Marie Curie. In partnering with EDP Sciences on this new multi- and inter-disciplinary journal, the Theodor-Billroth-Academy® (TBA®) and its International Consortium of Research Excellence (INCORE) join this distinguished list and will help to steer 4open as it develops over the coming years.

  4. 4open is fully compliant with Open Access funder requirements

    Copyright on any article in 4open is retained by the author(s) under the Creative Commons license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction provided the original work is properly cited. As a fully Open Access title, articles are immediately published on acceptance, with no embargo, and authors are encouraged to deposit additional datasets in a subject level repository to aid future re-use and scientific discovery. Authors can check funder requirements at the SHERPA/JULIET website.

  5. Accessible publishing for all with Liberty APCs

    Publication in 4open is accessible to all researchers producing sound science and with EDP Sciences’ flexible Liberty APCs, authors are able to choose the level of article-processing charge that corresponds with the funding they are able to source. This means that researchers in less well-funded disciplines are no longer at a disadvantage, and the journal can focus on publishing the highest quality research. Editorial Director at EDP Sciences, Agnès Henri, emphasises that “all articles published under this model will undergo the same rigorous, independent peer-review and publication process as all our journals, and there will be no compromise on quality”. For more information on Liberty APCS visit the Author Information page.

In the words of 4open Editor-in-Chief Elias Brinks: “If you have an exciting result, if it deserves to be noted beyond your discipline, and if you are keen for your work to be instantly Open Access and available, send your manuscript to 4open today!”

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