Open Access

Table 3

Numbers of nurses in Germany.

Variable 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 Development
Numbers Percentage
Total numbers of employee’s working in nursing professions 870 949 907 266 944 936 973 495 1 012 841 1 070 842 +199 893 +23
Among that employee’s with completed nursing studies 1228 1631 1954 2291 5204 4706 +2478 +202

Nurses 448 312 455 693 463 625 468 455 477 111 485 387 +37 075 +8.3

Nurses with 3-year education 606 019 629 638 655 211 676 533 705 872 729 655 +123 636 +20.4
In % of total nurse numbers 69.6 69.4 69.3 69.5 69.7 68.1 −1.4 −2.1
Among those, nurses working in hospitals 325 539 329 980 326 202 316 692 317 619 324 337 −1202 −0.4
Among those, nurses working in preventive and rehabilitation facilities 17 329 18 926 18 842 19 100 19 789 19 941 +2612 +15.1
Among those, nurses working in outpatient care facilities 58 144 57 457 63 233 71 425 78 184 82 055 +23 911 +41.1
Among those, nurses working in nursing homes 47 300 49 330 55 348 61 238 61 519 59 054 +11 754 +24.8

Pediatric nurses 48 546 49 066 49 621 49 261 49 859 50 073 +1527 +3.1
Among those, nurses working in hospitals 40 514 40 502 39 875 38 446 37 789 37 557 −2957 −7.3

Geriatric nurses 109 161 124 879 141 965 158 817 178 902 194 195 +85 034 +77.9

Data according to the Board of Nursing (German: Deutscher Pflegerat) [18].

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