Table 9

Borders of the Algarve by using OAM Algarve (1st line) and NAM Algarve (2nd line) with LCC.

Origin of coordinates Parallels Land border (km)
Sea border (km)
Alentejo Spain Total South West Total
39°40′05.730″ N 08°07′59.190″ W 42°06′46.6505″ N 36°58′28.5519″ N 216.030966 48.065911 264.096878 214.897660 82.936446 297.834106
37°14′41.138″ N 08°07′54.963″ W 37°29′27.5557″ N 36°58′28.5519″ N 216.097181 48.078663 264.175844 214.911763 82.951537 297.863300

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