COVID-19 Articles
Open Access

Table 1

COVID-19 deaths/1,000,000 population and ICU beds/100,000 population in the EU countries.

Country COVID-19 deaths/1,000,000 population ICU beds/100,000 population
Austria 27 21.8
Belgium 176 15.9
Bulgaria 3 12.2
Croatia 4 14.7
Cyprus 7 11.4
Czechia 8 11.6
Denmark 35 6.7
Estonia 16 14.6
Finland 6 6.1
France 137 11.6
Germany 23 29.2
Greece 8 6
Hungary 5 13.8
Ireland 43 6.5
Italy 283 12.5
Latvia 1 9.7
Lithuania 6 15.5
Luxembourg 70 24.8
Malta 0 6.4
Netherlands 123 6.4
Poland 3 6.9
Portugal 34 4.2
Romania 10 21.4
Slovakia 0.4 9.2
Slovenia 17 6.4
Spain 297 9.7
Sweden 59 5.8
UK 91 6.6

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