COVID-19 Articles
Open Access

Table 4

Meta-analysis according to subgroups for alpha variant.

Subgroup SI
Egger’s test
N Mean 95% CI I 2 Cochran’s Q p-value
All estimates 75 5.17 4.87 5.47 97.10 2026* 0.58
SI re-estimated:
 No 61 5.11 4.80 5.43 97.27 1910* 0.46
 Yes 14 5.41 4.57 6.25 91.24 110* 0.93
 China 30 5.59 5.16 6.02 91.24 250.5* 0.07
 Others 45 4.88 4.49 5.27 97.77 1765* 0.21
 Gamma 32 5.60 5.20 6.00 94.74 345* 0.51
 Normal 17 5.24 4.60 5.88 95.13 245* 0.87
 Lognormal 11 4.46 3.69 5.24 91.43 150* 0.14
 Weibull 8 5.45 4.74 6.15 87.84 65.76* 0.05
SI estimated with negative values:
 Yes 30 4.93 4.53 5.32 96.69 552* 0.15
 No 28 5.61 5.01 6.21 94.36 363* 0.14
 NA 17 4.98 4.41 5.55 94.86 344* 0.0015
Measures of control implemented:
 Yes 42 5.26 4.87 5.65 97.43 875* 0.56
 No 6 4.67 3.75 5.58 73.20 16.85 0.63
 NA 26 5.00 4.49 5.52 94.97 687* 0.0112

*P-value < 0.001, p-value < 0.005, $Statistical distribution was not available or not clear for seven studies. SI: Serial interval; N: Number; 95% CI: 95% confidence interval; I2: I-square or index of heterogeneity statistic; Cochran’s Q: Cochran’s Q heterogeneity statistic; Egger: Egger’s test for publication bias; NA: Not available.

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