Issue |
Volume 6, 2023
Inorganic Nanoparticle Luminophore: Design and Application
Article Number | 1 | |
Number of page(s) | 11 | |
Section | Life Sciences - Medicine | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 10 February 2023 |
Review Article
A review on Quantum Dots (QDs) and their biomedical applications
Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University, Major Arterial Road, Action Area II, Kolkata, West Bengal 700135, India
* Corresponding author:
Quantum dots (QDs) are nanoscale semiconductor crystals that possess special characteristics, and they are used in various fields. The crystals are composed of elements that usually lie within the groups II-VI or III–V respectively. The diameter of these crystals is usually smaller than the Bohr excitation radius. These crystals have unique photochemical and photo-physical properties. There are several methods for synthesizing QDs, in which the high temperature co-ordinated solvents-based synthesis is one of the most important. The various synthesis procedures affect the size of these QDs, which determine their characteristics and consequently their applications. QDs are widely used in the fields of bio-imaging, photovoltaic, catalysis, light-emitting diodes, photoconductors, and photodetectors, respectively. The major factors which influence the use of QDs in the field of bio-imaging are their high luminescence, and narrow emission properties. In this review, we discuss various methods of QDs synthesis and their applications in different fields, specifically in today’s world of modern biology.
Key words: Nanocrystals / QDs / Imaging / Biomedical applications
© A. Panja & P. Patra, Published by EDP Sciences, 2023
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