Open Access

Table 2

Parameters estimated by Maximum Log-Likelihood (MLL) and BIC values for the copula between the pseudo-observations ranks(dam factor) and ranks(Dmax). Left: dam factor = H × VF, = 12378.75; Right: dam factor = Hf, = 1479.85. In both cases the degrees η are estimated by MLL using the tCopula() function of the copula R-package.

H × VF vs. Dmax
Hf vs. Dmax
Copula Parameter estimate BIC Copula Parameter estimate BIC
Gaussian 0.744 9.902 Gaussian 0.799 11.306
Gumbel H 2.055 9.869 Gumbel H 2.329 11.015
Frank 5.826 9.076 Frank 7.237 10.708
Joe 2.548 8.750 t 0.799 9.602
t 0.744 8.201 Joe 2.888 9.435
Clayton 1.254 5.993 Clayton 1.558 7.387

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